Internet of Things IoT UX/UI Designer

IoT UX/UI Designer

If you possess mastery in any of the roles or skills below, you can apply to this TalentCloud. Once you become an approved Experfy TalentCloud member, you will get exclusive access to jobs and project opportunities from our clients.

Cloud Description

Designers in this TalentCloud are expected to take responsibility for the total user experience of the IoT solution including all user interfaces. The TalentCloud members should be able to source UI and UX technologies and create agile stories as they are implemented across the IoT platform. Other responsibilities include:

  • Responsible for IoT Solution User Experience
  • User Interface design for all IoT user interfaces
  • UI technology selection for applications
  • UX for all components of IoT solution

Required Skills

  • Proven experience in developing UX and UI for industrial systems and commercial web/phone applications
  • Understand the 4 core IoT components: devices, connectivity, IoT platforms, and applications
  • Work with product management for use cases and user profiles for all aspects of the final IoT implementation
  • Understand how data is created and processed throughout the IoT architecture including edge processing, application processing, requests, and commands
  • Understand data models and their importance in IoT for data and analytics (the results will be represented in UI)
  • Understand different types of data handled in an IoT architecture including data, events, alarms, sets, images, analytics, monitoring, management, and provisioning
  • Understand the nature of data handled including representation and characteristics, time-series, deterministic, random
  • Understand the types of applications used: data/event monitoring, data summaries, deep dives, analytics, correlations, inferences, ML, AI
  • Design common UI/UX that can be evolved over time
  • Create stories associated with different parts of the IoT solution
  • Manage implementation through SCRUM and release cycles 
  • Work with UI/UX users through alpha and beta testing
  • Work with all stakeholders bringing the IoT solution to timely success in the marketplace

Preferred Skills

  • 4 years of UI/UX experience with industrial products or web/mobile applications
  • Direct experience with IoT UI/UX
  • Proven Understanding of appropriate industry verticals and their UI/UX needs
  • Practical experience in a vertical industry
  • Use of UI/UX design tools
  • Experience of working within a 4-5 person SCRUM team
  • BS/BA degree in Information Technology, Human Factors/Usability or Computer Science with UX/UI specialty