Software/Web Development Mobile App Developer

Mobile App Developer

If you possess mastery in any of the roles or skills below, you can apply to this TalentCloud. Once you become an approved Experfy TalentCloud member, you will get exclusive access to jobs and project opportunities from our clients.

Popular Cloud Architect Roles in this TalentCloud

  • iOS Developer
  • iOS SDK Developer
  • Android Developer
  • Android SDK Developer
  • Xamarin Developer
  • Swift Developer
  • Objective-C Developer
  • React Native Developer
  • RubyMotion Developer

Cloud Description

Experts in this TalentCloud should be able to develop and maintain a high quality mobile (iOS, Android etc.) or tablet (iPad etc.) application. TalentCloud members are required to support the entire application lifecycle (concept, design, test, release, and support) and ensure new and legacy applications meet quality standards.

Required Skills

  • Extensive experience in developing and maintaining a mobile or tablet-based application
  • Extensive experience in a programming language like Objective-C or Swift or Java or Ruby or React
  • Extensive experience in working on a mobile platform like iOS or Android

Preferred Skills

  • Working experience in technologies like Objective-C or Swift or Java or React Native or RubyMotion etc.
  • Working experience in DevOps tools like Kubernetes or Jenkins or Cloud 66 or Digital Ocean or CircleCI etc.




Required Tech Tools

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