
Courses for AI & Machine Learning

Big Data, AI & Machine Learning

Knowledge and Reasoning

Dr. Rebecca Wooten

Logic and Applications

AI & Machine Learning

Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence

Andreas Haja

Learn how to take informed decisions based on probabilities and expert knowledge

AI & Machine Learning

The Wumpus World Challenge

Dr. Rebecca Wooten

This course covers the Capstone Project for the AI Track.

Big Data, For Executives and Managers, AI & Machine Learning

AI for Executives

Dr. Kevin Hill

How AI Will Change Your Business

Big Data, AI & Machine Learning

Problem Solving with Artificial Intelligence

Briana Brownell

Students will learn problem-solving techniques using AI search factors.

AI & Machine Learning, Big Data

Machine Learning in AI

Dr. Muhammad Shahzad Cheema

6 hours of content geared towards explaining Machine Learning in AI

AI & Machine Learning

Introduction to AI


Artificial Intelligence Learning Approaches, Tools, Problems, and Applications.

AI & Machine Learning

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni

Learn what exactly AI is, what are its different facets.

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