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Data Science / Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization Training, Cloud
Jeffrey Lipkowitz
Learn the ropes on Power BI, data visualizations and Azure.
Intellezy Trainers
In this course, students will gain an understanding of Azure Active Directory
Jonathan Bloom
Learn to gain a competitive advantage using Microsoft Azure Data Platform & Cortana Analytics
Intellezy Trainers
This course is designed to instruct students on Azure as it pertains to storage
Intellezy Trainers
This course is designed to instruct students on Azure as it pertains to Virtual
Intellezy Trainers
This course is to instruct students on Azure as it pertains to networking
Intellezy Trainers
This course is designed to instruct students on Azure Containers
Software and Web Development, Cloud
Intellezy Trainers
Introduction to the new features of Ms Access 2019!
Intellezy Trainers
This course is designed to instruct students on Azure as it pertains to automation and log analytics.
Intellezy Trainers
Learn Azure fundamentals with this introduction to Azure course.