Course Description
This course prepares you for the Google BigQuery Qualification Exam and is meant for solution developers, solutions architects, and data analysts who: 1) Analyze and query data using BigQuery; and 2) Incorporate BigQuery data analysis into cloud-based solutions. The training will cover: Google BigQuery Fundamentals; Loading Data Into BigQuery; Querying Data; and Exporting Data from BigQuery.
What am I going to get from this course?
- Analyze and query data using BigQuery
- Incorporate BigQuery data analysis into cloud-based solutions
Prerequisites and Target Audience
What will students need to know or do before starting this course?
Understanding of the fundamentals of Google App Engine is necessary to take this course. You can take the Experfy course "Google App Engine Qualification Exam Training" as a refresher. You must also know the fundamentals of MySQL.
Who should take this course? Who should not?
This course is meant for solution developers, solutions architects, and data analysts.
Module 1: Google BigQuery Fundamentals
Lecture 1
Use cases for Google BigQuery
Lecture 2
Streaming and batch jobs
Lecture 3
BigQuery and MapReduce
Quiz 1
Google BigQuery Fundamentals
Module 2: Loading Data Into BigQuery
Lecture 4
Designing appropriate schemas for BigQuery
Lecture 5
Creating datasets and tables
Lecture 6
Defining access control for datasets
Lecture 7
Preparing data for BigQuery
Lecture 8
Transforming data
Lecture 9
Quotas and quota management
Lecture 10
Handling streaming data and bulk loading
Quiz 2
Loading Data Into BigQuery
Lecture 11
Running simple queries using the BigQuery console and the command-line tool (bq)
Lecture 12
Querying data using the service API
Lecture 13
Using the EACH parameter in queries
Lecture 14
Using table decorators
Lecture 15
Using table wildcard functions
Lecture 16
Using JOIN and JOIN EACH clauses in queries
Lecture 17
Using GROUP BY and GROUP EACH BY clauses in queries
Lecture 18
Determining when to use the FLATTEN clause in a query
Module 4: Exporting Data from BigQuery
Lecture 19
Control requirements for exporting data
Lecture 20
Quota policies
Lecture 21
Access control requirements for exporting data
Lecture 22
Access quotas for BigQuery
Lecture 23
Setting configuration options for destination formats and compression
Lecture 24
Exporting data to Google Cloud Storage
Quiz 4
Exporting Data from BigQuery