The Experfy Team consists of leading technologists based in Harvard Innovation Lab. We launched Experfy to bring together the world's most prestigious analytics and technology talent that not only possesses algorithmic skills but also deep domain knowledge. We empower both professionals and enterprises by bringing them on a common learning platform to gain much needed skills. Experfy is here to usher a new era in which specialized training can be imparted by the leading technologists in the industry.
Gain expertise in developing and maintaining applications on the AWS platform
Provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on AWS
Create, deploy, configure, scale and maintain applications for Google App Engine
Analyze and query data, while incorporating BigQuery data analysis in cloud apps
Designing and deploying dynamically scalable & fault tolerant applications
Technical training in deployment, management, and operations for the AWS
Create and deploy applications that store data in Google Cloud SQL
Learn about the fundamentals and applications of Google Cloud Storage
Create, deploy, configure, maintain, and scale applications for Compute Engine
From basics to using Docker in continuous integration and deployment process
Learn to deploy, configure and scale web apps and monitoring, and analytics
Architect infrastructure, networking, storage, data access, business continuity
Implement web apps, virtual machines, cloud services, storage, active directory