
End to End Machine Learning in Azure


Specialization Or Business Function

Technical Function Analytics (Machine Learning)

Technology & Tools Programming Languages and Frameworks, Machine Learning Frameworks (Microsoft Azure ML Studio, Amazon Machine Learning)


Project Description

We are looking for a Data Scientist who has extensive experience with End to End ML in Azure



  • Create a small end-to-end demo of Azure's machine learning capabilities



  • Source code / notebooks that demonstrate how each service is used

  • A short presentation of the findings


Project phases:


Phase 0: EDA 

  • Go over a sample of the data set using Azure Machine Learning / Azure Machine Learning studio

  • Understand the framework's capability to detect interactions between the dependent variable and independent variables


Phase 1: Data wrangling

  • Generate a training set using Azure Databricks

  • Down sample data 


Phase 2: Model building 

  • Use the framework to build a model

  • Deal with hyper parameter optimization

  • Use out of the box feature engineering

  • Display training metrics


Phase 3: End-to-end service

  • Upload data to Azure data lake

  • Create a model container using Azure Container Registry / Azure Container Instance

  • Write a small Azure function to take some data lake records and run them through the container

We are currently only considering candidates based in the United States.

Project Overview

  • Posted
    April 01, 2020
  • Planned Start
    April 06, 2020
  • Delivery Date
    May 15, 2020
  • Preferred Location
    United States

Client Overview

Azure ML
Azure Container Registry
Azure Data Lake
Azure Databricks

Matching Providers