Industry Financial Services
Specialization Or Business Function Customer Analytics (Market Segmentation and Targeting)
Technical Function
Technology & Tools
We have a large portfolio of clients with a need for financial and insurance planning. We possess historical data on our customers that resides mainly in three systems: Drake, SmartOffice, and Infusionsoft. Some of the questions require market research or looking at external data. The objective of this project is to better understand our customers and target market so we may better target them.
We would like a data scientists to analyze our data and provide answers to the following questions. The data can be extrated by our internal resource. The sources of data are indicated either below each section or after each question in brackets.
Client Categorization (A,B,C)
Where does the bulk of our income come from: A, B vs. C Clients
What the time frames are to bring on each type of client (A, B, C)
What is our annual recurring revenue on A list clients vs. B list Clients
Social Security Income average for A, B and C List clients will have revenue data
Work situation:
Where do they work?
Income ranges
What is the average retirement age of our clients?
In service distribution dates for any clients still working?
How many clients and prospects are self employed?
Data in Drake
Family Info:
How many clients still have a living parent
How many of your clients have relatives that live in the area
How many parents of clients are in or were in a LTC facility
How many clients are divorced
1-3 we have no info. And 4 would be in SmartOffice
Personal Information:
Hobbies and interests (SmartOffice)
How many clients have a college degree (no data)
How many have a post graduate degree (no data)
Is there any data we are missing or irrelevant to gather on our personal preference sheet (we will provide a copy of the personal preference sheet)
Financial Information:
What's the average home value of our ideal clients? Do they have a mortgage?
How many of the clients have long-term care, or we have had the discussion with them and they have signed the waiver.
What % has legal services
Total number of investable assets per household
How many clients have NGL Funeral Trust, how many have declined.
What % of clients have pensions
How many clients have more than one 401k plan
All of this data resides in Drake
Other Professionals:
Number of advisors the client works with (SmartOffice)
Do we have the contact info for the executor of our clients (No good data)
How many people are opening and listening to Real Wealth (from podcast)
How many people are opening and reading the newsletter (Forefield)
How many people open emails (Infusionsoft)
How many people are receiving emails (Infusionsoft)
How many clients and prospects do we have on e-mail list? Is it accurate and up to date? (Infusionsoft)
How many of executors are on our newsletter or have we met with? (no good data)
How many clients and prospects visit the website (no good data)
How many interactions a prospect has before they commit to coming into the office for an appointment (no good data)
How many people are receiving social security direct mail vs. tax direct mail vs. Medicare supplement direct mail from us (AllPro runs demographics)
What % of these people we are marketing to actually know who we are and know our brand (no good data)
What is the opportunity for automated calling campaign (how many are on do not call list, how many can you call, etc .... )? (used Dialmycall once)
How many people in our community do we have phone numbers and emails for (SmartOffice)
Where do people live that invest with us and what is the revenue per city (SmartOffice)
What % of our tax marketing demographic goes to a big box tax prep, CPA firm, or do it yourself? What are the average price people in our area are paying for taxes? (No good research)
What % of our clients and prospects buy their own Medicare supplement vs. what % are offered group benefits? (No good data)
Business Metrics:
What months is the most business written? (Quickbooks)
What% of the clients have AUM, Annuities, Life Insurance (SmartOffice, but not accurate)
What% of our clients do taxes with us (Compare SmartOffice to Drake)
What % are financial and tax clients (Compare SmartOffice to Drake)
What % have we done consulting on Medicare Supplements (SmartOffice but not accurate)
Tax clients that have financial assets elsewhere (Drake but not good data)
What is the total annuity business we have? (SmartOffice but not accurate)
We understand that not all questions can be answered. We would like an estimate in hours and we may want to convert this project to a fixed price one based on your estimates. We would also like to know the forma in which you will deliver the results.
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