Industry Hi-Tech, Legal
Specialization Or Business Function Consumer Experience (e-CRM)
Technical Function Analytics (Data Mining, Data Preparation, Text Analytics), Software and Web Development (Desktop Applications, Information Extraction Web Scraping System), CRM, ERP, Accounting, Operations, Marketing Automation (Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Data Migration and Integration)
Technology & Tools
Need to develop a system/program to extract specific information from public court files(online lists of pending court dates), to then place into a program that will automatically locate the relevant email address for the attorney/law firm listed, then send them a form email with inserted information about their next court date(date, time, type, location, etc.)
Problem to solve is to identify attorneys/law firm with pending court appearances in near future(1-3 weeks) from available online court calendar dockets, extract the identify information about the attorney/law firm(this contact information on the court online service will not provide generally an email address, may provide a telephone number), then take the court date, time, court address and department number, go out an locate the attorney/law firm email address from online data, then take the court appearance data and insert it into a form email to be sent to the attorney/law firm about there pending court date.
1. System needs to go to each county/court district website, extract from from the calendar of each court room or court docket the name of the attorney, case name, case number, type of appearance, date of appearance, time of appearance, department location, court location.
An example to see how it is structured(not all court websites are exactly the same) is
Each court might term the calendar information slightly differently.
2. Take the name of the attorney and go to either the State Bar of California or a general Google search to locate his/her email address at a minimum, but all contact information would be best
3. Take the information from No. 1 along with the email from No. 2 and format them into a template email that will automatically then be sent to the attorney. The system will need to automatically update itself either weekly or daily to retrieve the most recent calendar entries.
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