
Design a Data Science Test For Application Interview Process

Industry Hi-Tech, Professional Services

Specialization Or Business Function Sales, R&D (A/B Testing, Business Research)

Technical Function

Technology & Tools Data Analysis and AI Tools


Project Description

I need to hire a data scientist to design a test that can be given to applicants for a full time data scientist position at UpCounsel. I would like a test that involves some type of modeling/algorithm approach while testing their SQL, python, and business accumen knowledge. I would like for someone to understand our business and recommend a problem as well as teh schema for a sample data set. The deliverables would be a test and sample solution. The ongoing work would help me evaluate a candidate's response.

We use postgres, looker, redshift, python, etc.

Project Overview

  • Posted
    October 26, 2015
  • Planned Start
    October 20, 2015
  • Delivery Date
    October 31, 2015
  • Preferred Location
    From anywhere

Client Overview


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