Industry Financial Services, Legal, Professional Services, Real Estate
Specialization Or Business Function Finance, Financial Planning & Analysis
Technical Function CRM, ERP, Accounting, Operations, Marketing Automation (Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing)
Technology & Tools CRM, ERP, Accounting, Operations, Marketing Automation Tools
We are a commercial real estate firm that is in the business of selling properties to investors who in many cases have just recently sold a property. The reasons behind this are not all that important, but we are wanting to collect as much contact information as possible for the companies and individuals behind the companies that have recently sold certain commercial real estate assets in the USA. Our primary interest would be in obtaining contact information (individual names, company names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses as well as some basic property information and sale details) for people and entities that have sold properties in the US that are over $2M in value and that are considered commercial real estate vs single family homes.
We know that much of this data is public information located in city, county and state tax rolls and assessor's databases, but many times the entities (LLC, etc) are difficult to collate and would require researching corporation registrations with the various secretary of state websites..
We are starting with really no data at all on our end and are looking to pull this information on a regular basis (once a week or bi-monthly would be idea)... An acceptable solution could be to only pull the data for specific geographies, but the ideal would be to have info on every seller of commercial real estate in the US, for properties over $2M in value.
The data delivery to us would ideally be in CSV, XLS or possibly filmmaker, but a flat table is totally acceptable. The delivery could be to a cloud repository such as drop box or box or even via email.
The data is very much time-sensitive and a full list of sellers and property data that is older than about 20 days become less valuable to us and once it's over 45 days, it has very little value to us at all.
Matching Providers