Industry Financial Services
Specialization Or Business Function Finance (Economic Modeling), Risk and Compliance (Fraud Identification and Prevention), Securities and Operations (Piracy and Fraud Identification)
Technical Function Blockchain (Security, Smart Contract Audit)
Technology & Tools Blockchain Technologies (Ethereum Blockchain, ERC20 Token, Ethereum Smart Contract, Solidity for Etherum, ERC223 Token)
We are an innovative company based in Tokyo that focuses on cryptocurrency assets and blockchain technology.
Currently we are launching an ICO for an ERC20 token. The token comes with a fixed amount available to investors and the corressponding smart contracts have basic ERC20 functionality. Furthermore, features related to withdrawal and liquidation of the token itself are added. The token is part of the financial product and has a guarenteed value due to its underlying asset.
The contracts are currently deployed on Rinkeby testnet and can be used there. We need a smart contract audit to test and verify all its functionality and make the contract safe from any exploits. Additioally, we require a gas analysis for each function call that can be made utilizing the Ethereum blockchain.
The project timeline foresees about 3 weeks for the completion of the audit including iterative feedback integration.
Only companies able to provide security expertise for smart contracts should apply for this project since we need official proof of the audit demonstrable to the investors.
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