Industry Financial Services
Specialization Or Business Function
Technical Function Data Warehousing (Data Integration), Business Intelligence (BI Development)
Technology & Tools
We are a wealth management company that is perfoming portfilio management and asset allocation manually using Excel. We look at financial data from Mornigstar and then enter the change in prices in Excel. We would like to automate this process by creating a central data repository to bring in data feeds. This project will be executed in three phases. The budget displayed is for Phase 1.
1. General considerations
There project will have three phases:
2. Deliverables
The proposed solution consist of the following deliverables:
3. Work process
The solution we provide will support the following work process in Phase 1:
The benefit of this approach is that the manual work for downloading the fund information and update the portfolio files for each customer will be completely automated. What remains manual work is just to perform the transactions for each customer.
In Phase 2, the functionality can be extended so that the system will propose transactions to be performed in order to bring the portfolios to the targeted status.
4. Technology Stack
We are leaning toward technology based on Microsoft SQL Server. We will need help in procuring Microsoft SQL Server hosting with the SSIS and SSRS modules installed.
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