Industry Professional Services
Specialization Or Business Function
Technical Function Data Engineering
Technology & Tools Big Data and Cloud (Exasol)
We need general help with Exasol:
1. Guidance on best practices in Exasol database design.
2. What console to use and how to install it on the free version of Exasol. And how to install other applications in the Exasol instance?
3. How to use the ETL, scripts, or both to manipulate data in the database for less complicated calculations such as splitting a value on one object to two or three subordinate objects based on a metric in the subordinate objects?
4. What are the options with tools (ETL and/or front end) that will allow a user to write back/make changes or updates to the Exasol database?
5. What open source front end for web presentation best fits with Exasol?
We also need help with the integration of R so that R code will execute in parallel and in-memory with SQL code (i.e., as UDF's):
1. The specifics of how scripting (UDF's for R) is integrated with SQL code.
2. How to pull multiple tables into the script executing activity?
3. Using the R output in both display (back to the user) and to update one or more databases?
Landscape: We have Exasol installed on a server and data has been loaded from a CSV file. The CSV was consumed in the format that our current in-memory data warehouse exported it. We are able to quiry the Exasol database through an SQL console but are having issues with the UDF for R integration.
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